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凉拌素什锦 清清爽爽的养生菜

2021年07月08日 1:44 PDF版 分享转发





木耳 10克,腐竹 2根,芹菜 2根,胡萝卜 1个,花生米 40克,香菜 2棵


盐 少许,红油 1茶匙,香油 1茶匙,糖 1茶匙


1. 芹菜洗净切丝,胡萝卜去皮切条。

2. ,腐竹提前泡发,木耳撕成小朵,腐竹切寸段。花生米最好提前用花椒大料煮熟。

3. 锅中烧水,将木耳和腐竹放入煮2分钟焯水。用同一锅水再焯芹菜,胡萝卜。

4. 将所有食材放入一个大碗中,放入适量的盐,红油,香油,糖搅拌均匀即可。

Celery and Carrots Salad


10g black fungus, 2 Dried bean-curd stick, 2 celery sticks, 1 carrot, 40g peanuts, 2 coriander sticks


A pinch of salt, 1 tsp red chilli oil, 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 tsp of sugar


1. wash the celery and cut into 1 inch long slices. Peel the carrot and cut into a inch long strips.

2. Black fungus and Dried bean-curd sticks need to soak in warm water in advance. After the fungus expanding, tear them into a small pieces. When the bean-curd become soft, cut into 5mm wide pieces. Put peanuts to a pan of boiling salted water with 1 star anise simmer for 2-3 minutes. 

3. Filling a large saucepan with plenty of water and bring to boil, put the fungus and bean-curd sticks in and cook for 2 minutes, then use a slotted spoon quickly transfer to a bowl full of cold water, then drain the cold water. 

4. Put the celery and carrots into the boiling water, cook for 2-3 minutes, then transfer to the cold water.

5. Put all the ingredients in a large bowl, season with salt, red chilli oil, sesame oil, sugar and mix well.


原文链接:凉拌素什锦 清清爽爽的养生菜

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