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【细语人生】天理昭彰下集 状告迫害元凶 - 揭谎言 诬陷 最不可告人的迫害

2024年04月02日 13:19 PDF版 分享转发

作者: 《》官方频道The Stories of Life Official Account , 文章内容并不代表本网立场和观点。

【细语人生】天理昭彰下集  状告迫害元凶 - 揭谎言 诬陷 最不可告人的迫害

本次沈阳市为学员做给中共虚设的“依法治国”打了一个措手不及。随即迫害元凶恼羞成怒,下令对十名进行了全面的打压…… 那么为聘请律师团做无罪的辩护的于洋, 他的安危又是如何呢?

In Shenyang, Liaoning Province, a team of lawyers defended the innocence of Falun Gong practitioners, which caught the CCP’s fictitious “rule by law” off guard. Immediately, the culprit of the persecution became furious and ordered a comprehensive crackdown on the justice lawyers… So, what about the safety of Yu Yang, who hired the legal team to defend Falun Gong practitioners?

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【细语人生】天理昭彰下集 状告迫害元凶 – 揭谎言 诬陷 最不可告人的迫害

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