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【细语人生】见证大法的神奇(第二十六集) 压迫心脏大动脉 罕见大肿瘤消失了 Rare large tumor compressing the arteries disappeared

2024年04月25日 8:19 PDF版 分享转发

作者: 《》官方频道The Stories of Life Official Account , 文章内容并不代表本网立场和观点。

【细语人生】见证大法的神奇(第二十六集)  压迫心脏大动脉 罕见大肿瘤消失了 Rare large tumor compressing the arteries disappeared


A year and a half ago, Mr. Huang Chaoming suffered from a rare cancer – carcinoid. Because the tumor completely covered the aorta, heart, and connecting blood vessels, the condition was critical and life-threatening. The doctor recommended that he undergo chemotherapy immediately and with the maximum dosage required. Mr. Huang was unwilling to undergo chemotherapy. The doctor told him if he wanted to wait another two months, there would be no way to treat and cure him. Did Mr. Huang choose life or death? Please stay tuned for this episode.

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【细语人生】(第二十六集) 压迫心脏大动脉 罕见大肿瘤消失了 Rare large tumor compressing the arteries disappeared

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