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【细语人生】见证大法的神奇(第二十七集)药学博士寻药记 (中英文字幕版)

2024年05月21日 4:49 PDF版 分享转发

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【细语人生】见证大法的神奇(第二十七集)药学博士寻药记 (中英文字幕版)


Dr Lin Weiyu stated, “Current empirical science only studies why people get sick.It does not study why people can stay healthy.” From an objective perspective studying a group of people practicing Falun Gong to understand why they have such extraordinary immune functions and defense systems then this could be a great contribution to human science. A great help.

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【细语人生】(第二十七集)药学博士寻药记 (中英文字幕版)

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