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【细语人生】和妈妈讲著同一个故事 Telling the Same Story with My Mother

2024年06月26日 12:49 PDF版 分享转发

作者: 《》官方频道The Stories of Life Official Account , 文章内容并不代表本网立场和观点。

【细语人生】和妈妈讲著同一个故事 Telling the Same Story with My Mother





Little Deru once had a happy family. Dad is the kindest person in the world.The family practiced Falun Dafa and was happy. Relatives and friends all practiced Falun Dafa.
Everyone was happy and peaceful.

In 1999, the CCP launched an inhumane persecution. In 2002, Deru’s father was persecuted to death in Guangzhou because he persisted in practicing Falun Dafa.

For Deru, mother and daughter left their hometown and fled to the United States via Thailand.
In 2009, they were interviewed by The Stories of Life for the first time to tell people the truth about the persecution.

In 2013, De Ru joined , a world premier arts group.
She began to tell people the truth about Falun Gong in a new way.

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【细语人生】和妈妈讲著同一个故事 Telling the Same Story with My Mother

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